
Handcrafted Journals by

Worksheets – BayNVC

See also: Handy Handouts

Worksheets pictured below can be found at Kate Raffin’s website:

The Gift That Keeps On Giving: Trigger Translation Journal

Why you really should keep a journal, no matter how cheesy that sounds

Sure, it sounds cheesy, but there is more and more evidence of the extraordinary healing power of writing things down

By Oliver Burkeman

If you’ve spent any significant time reading books or articles on the “science of happiness”, you’ll have encountered what I’ve long thought of as the Cheesiness Problem. It’s an inescapable fact that some of the most thoroughly evidence-backed techniques for enhancing one’s mood are also the most excruciatingly embarrassing – the sorts of things that those of us who imagine ourselves to be rational, sceptical types would never dream of confessing to. This is awkward, since (as I’ve written before) it means having to choose between maintaining a pose of sardonic detachment or doing what actually works. For me, the most vivid example is keeping a gratitude journal. On the one hand, it really helps. On the other hand – well, come on. It’s keeping a gratitude journal… (continues)

Giraffe Cave Drawing – Courtesy of Oliver Vass (Wikimedia Commons)

Writing NVC Journal | European Assessment | NVC

Keeping a Journal

Many [NVC certification] candidates report to us that journalling is challenge, so here are some resources we have put together to support you in your learning.  Read about one candidate’s experience of journaling.

We would like you to keep a regular record of your NVC learning, growth and insights. Use journaling as a means to explore (question, reflect, and learn) rather than to simply record the internal and external events in your life… (continues here)


Simple light bulb graphic

Writing Your Way to Happiness – The New York Times

On Self – Susan Sontag

The Surprising Value of Journaling an Ordinary Day

650 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing

The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Credit:  John Liu

About Gratitude | The Fearless Heart


Miki Kashtan

Despite years of knowing that gratitude contributes to life, and suggesting to people in my workshops to start a gratitude practice in their lives, it is only in the last couple of months that I was finally able to start my own practice. In the past, using gratitude as a PRACTICE instead of just when it arose spontaneously (which I am blessed to have happen often) just wasn’t working for me. But the times were hard enough in my life, and the draw strong enough that I started.

So, for a couple of months now, during a period that included some of the most challenging times in many years, I end each day lying in bed, breathing fully and slowly, and reviewing my day, looking for everything that could possibly be a source of gratitude. Not as a check list, but really pausing with each one, putting my attention again and again on the mystery, wonder, magic, and awe that is the experience of whatever happened, whoever contributed to it. My primary focus is on the people who contribute to my life… (continues)

For more as to NVC & Social Change Agency:

Politics & NVC

The 20 Best Ted Talks And Videos on The Power of Gratitude

@StDispatches (forthcoming): My experiments  truth blog